In compliance with Indian government regulations, we request you to urgently share the completed Donation Form and KYC information for LCIF India donations made via our website, cheque or electronic transfer by emailing [email protected], if not already done.

Our Strategy

Grants are available to Lions districts and multiple districts in amounts from US$10,000 to US$150,000. Projects must be implemented in coordination or collaboration with existing government or charitable childhood cancer medical facilities. 

The Childhood Cancer grant program will not fund medical care directly. If an applicant wishes to implement a project involving medical equipment or infrastructure, they may be eligible to apply for support though the
LCIF Matching grant program.


Project examples include but are not limited to:

  • Construction, expansion, or renovation of child, teenager, and family-friendly waiting rooms in healthcare facilities.
  • Construction, expansion, or renovation of rooms or houses where families can rest, sleep, or cook meals while their child is receiving treatment.
  • Projects that strengthen access to or improve transportation to and from medical appointments.
  • Projects that address the educational and recreational needs of childhood cancer patients receiving treatment at a healthcare facility.
  • Infrastructure to support palliative care.  

Application and Deadline

The applications for Childhood Cancer grants are due no later than 90 days prior to the start of the Board of Trustees meetings, which take place in January, May, and August

Criteria and Application

Empowering Service

Help a Child’s

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